Continuing with the amazing TV shows stress test results. I apologise to my readers who have had to wait for many hours for this sequel. You guys must have been sitting in front of your computer all the time. I hope you took toilet breaks. Its OK to feel that you have lost more than a day of your life, but I will not keep you waiting any longer.

Definitely the most imaginative of all the series I have watched. But its selling point is toilet humor and that takes away a few points, cause not everyone enjoys it like I and other maladjusted guys (including its two creators) do. Sure the animation is crappy and every other word uttered by the eight year old lead characters is an expletive. Sure sometimes it's tasteless, racist and even repulsive. But you see thats the whole idea. Its a show like no other. Some of the episodes are social satires taking on issues that the rest of the entertainment industry avoids. They seem to draw inspiration from real life events. Nothing is off limits in this one as you might guess when you see that Jesus is a regular character.
To be fair I have to say that this cartoon series is more real than most TV shows. To add to its credits it has been running for 11 seasons and there was a smash hit movie made of it. If you don't mind toilet humor this definitely is the best series for you.

The Simpsons
Another long running cartoon series, this one with 19 seasons and more than 400 episodes. In my opinion its the quintessential American TV series. The usual storyline is Homer screws up and makes his family mad and by the end of the show he somehow fixes things. They even made a movie with the same theme and there is more than one simpsons PC game out there.
What makes it so successful? I guess there are a few good laughs in there. Good for regular watching.

This X-men clone was interesting at first. I mean they have super heroes who wear their underwear the right way, thats something I think. But like many others it got boring as the series progressed. I lost interest in it and havn't watched the second season. Definitely bad test results.

My name is Earl
I like this one. The hero is a total loser. Hes not a charmer and his friends are all losers too. The two lead girls are pretty and that only adds points. Nice, simple plots and funny dialogues. The lead actor does get on my nerves sometimes with his put-on loser mannerisms, but mostly its good fun.
Definitely good for regular watching. It has enough variety to me keep interested enough to watch the remaining 43 episodes in a couple of days. (As you can see I am a very dedicated person)

30 Rock
Tina Fey is really funny and smart which makes her a rare kind of women IMHO. She is the only reason to watch this series. Alec Baldwin does shine once in a while. But the series has very little variety and fared almost poorly in the stress tests. Some of the supporting characters have irritated me so much that if I see those actors face to face I might slap their face.
Watch an episode once in a blue moon and you will be entertained, anything more is a waste of time.

The Office
Pretty good series actually. But themes have been repeating and some episodes are just not funny. Anyway I somehow got hooked onto the Pam-Jim office romance. I stopped watching it because I couldnt stand the micheal scott character anymore. That and the writer's strike meant I didn't have anymore episodes to watch.
Its good for regular watching and office goers will particularly enjoy it.
Series not worth mention (well almost not worth mention):
Californication - As far I could make out its about agent Fox Mulder fornicating with each and every girl he meets in California.
The Apprentice - You are FIRED.

Definitely the most imaginative of all the series I have watched. But its selling point is toilet humor and that takes away a few points, cause not everyone enjoys it like I and other maladjusted guys (including its two creators) do. Sure the animation is crappy and every other word uttered by the eight year old lead characters is an expletive. Sure sometimes it's tasteless, racist and even repulsive. But you see thats the whole idea. Its a show like no other. Some of the episodes are social satires taking on issues that the rest of the entertainment industry avoids. They seem to draw inspiration from real life events. Nothing is off limits in this one as you might guess when you see that Jesus is a regular character.
To be fair I have to say that this cartoon series is more real than most TV shows. To add to its credits it has been running for 11 seasons and there was a smash hit movie made of it. If you don't mind toilet humor this definitely is the best series for you.

The Simpsons
Another long running cartoon series, this one with 19 seasons and more than 400 episodes. In my opinion its the quintessential American TV series. The usual storyline is Homer screws up and makes his family mad and by the end of the show he somehow fixes things. They even made a movie with the same theme and there is more than one simpsons PC game out there.
What makes it so successful? I guess there are a few good laughs in there. Good for regular watching.

This X-men clone was interesting at first. I mean they have super heroes who wear their underwear the right way, thats something I think. But like many others it got boring as the series progressed. I lost interest in it and havn't watched the second season. Definitely bad test results.

My name is Earl
I like this one. The hero is a total loser. Hes not a charmer and his friends are all losers too. The two lead girls are pretty and that only adds points. Nice, simple plots and funny dialogues. The lead actor does get on my nerves sometimes with his put-on loser mannerisms, but mostly its good fun.
Definitely good for regular watching. It has enough variety to me keep interested enough to watch the remaining 43 episodes in a couple of days. (As you can see I am a very dedicated person)

30 Rock
Tina Fey is really funny and smart which makes her a rare kind of women IMHO. She is the only reason to watch this series. Alec Baldwin does shine once in a while. But the series has very little variety and fared almost poorly in the stress tests. Some of the supporting characters have irritated me so much that if I see those actors face to face I might slap their face.
Watch an episode once in a blue moon and you will be entertained, anything more is a waste of time.

The Office
Pretty good series actually. But themes have been repeating and some episodes are just not funny. Anyway I somehow got hooked onto the Pam-Jim office romance. I stopped watching it because I couldnt stand the micheal scott character anymore. That and the writer's strike meant I didn't have anymore episodes to watch.
Its good for regular watching and office goers will particularly enjoy it.
Series not worth mention (well almost not worth mention):
Californication - As far I could make out its about agent Fox Mulder fornicating with each and every girl he meets in California.
The Apprentice - You are FIRED.
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