Monday, October 5, 2009


The last few days have been tough for me. I had to conquer a few inner daemons, namely laziness and eh more laziness, only to be held back by a violent bout with indigestion. One might wonder how I got through those troubling times. Stop wondering. I was aided and inspired by the strongest force in the universe, Heman.

In between my research work I spent a lot of time watching all the episodes of 2002 version of Heman. In fact watching it was also a kind of research. Those of you who watched the 80s version of the show probably asked yourself some very hard hitting questions like "What is this 'power'?", "Where can I find that sword?", "Will I look like
Heman when I grow up?", etc... The answer to some of them became apparent in the following years (though I am very very muscular and am probably as strong as some super heroes like Batman, I am still not as strong as Heman). But some of questions have vexed me for several years . The 2002 series gives answers to all those questions and does it in a much more engrossing manner. No longer do I have to spent sleepless nights wondering how I can defend the planet from evil sorcerers.

I am going to quickly list these new revelations:

Grayskull: Not the castle. Eternia had an all powerful king, Grayskull who defended the planet against villains who would make skeletor look like the kinder garden bully. When the entire planet was threatened by a very evil guy (I think his name was Hortag) he managedre to cast him and his army away into another dimension but the tremendous effort killed him. On his death all his powers transferred to his council, ever since called the elders, and to his sword. His wife is entrusted to guard the sword and the castle containing it.

Elders: After defending
Eternia for a long time they foretold the coming of heman and retired storing their powers in castle Grayskull.

Sorceress: The first one was the queen of
Eternia, Grayskull's wife. When one of them retires a replacement is found.

Skeletor: A villain keldor who was after the power of elders, before they retired. When he breached their fortress Randor, who later became the king - Adam's father, defeated him. Keldor was fatally injured in the fight and to save his life summoned Hortag's spirit. Hortag healed him but turned him into skeletor giving him more powers (I think).

Teela: She is the daughter of the sorceress and Man-at-arms Duncan's brother. Hence her adopted father Duncan is her uncle. She will one day become the sorceress.

Snake mountain: Actually the dead body of a snake god Serpos who had tried to conquer Eternia

When Adam bellows 'By the power of grayskull', the power of the ancient king flows into him.

To change back to Adam Heman chants 'Let the power return' or something like that.
